Five Tips For A Healthy Holiday Feast

If you are on a health journey, it is possible that the impending holidays have you feeling less than jolly. 

While the holidays are about spending time with family, and celebrating traditions, for many of us, they also revolve around food. The constant stream of parties and holiday treats can provoke anxiety in those of us who are attempting to eat a healthy diet. 

Our first Well Citizen tip? Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you can do this. Part of having a holistically wellness-focused life is to incorporate balance. The holidays are a perfect time to put this practice into action. 

Not sure where to start? Follow our tips below for a holiday feast that can be happy, healthy, and totally delicious!

Start With A Salad

Salads can get a bad reputation. Especially when they are a regular part of your meal rotation. If you have a go-to salad recipe that you make on the regular, it can be hard to think of them as a celebratory dish. 

It’s time to rethink that! The truth is, there are endless salad recipes out there that incorporate fresh greens with the best produce of the seasons. Adding things like roasted squash, pomegranate seeds, and pumpkin seeds are great ways to spruce up your salads and make them fit for any holiday gathering. 

You know what else salads are great for? Using up those holiday leftovers. Add Thanksgiving turkey, cranberry sauce, and roasted veggies to your favorite greens, and you have a delicious and nutritious lunch. 

Looking for more tips for healthy salads? Check out our blog post full of our favorite salad hacks. 

Go Heavy On The Sides

While it’s totally natural to be excited about the decadent main dishes of a holiday feast, don’t sleep on the sides! Sides are a great way to incorporate produce into your meals. Need some healthy ideas?

Switch Your Mindset

One of the most toxic schools of thought that the diet industry has created is looking at foods as either “good” or “bad.” The truth is, food does not fall into a set of moral standards. 

When approaching the holidays, it’s a good idea to take some time to re-frame your mindset around celebratory foods. Instead of looking at brie cheese as a source of fat, think of it as a great protein source. Instead of focusing on the sugar or calorie count of a gingerbread cookie, try to view it as an important family tradition that you will remember for years to come. Some things are bigger than clean eating, and it’s important to right-size food’s importance in your mind.

Drink Consciously

Many holiday celebrations involve copious amounts of alcohol to help get the party going. Not only does alcohol give you a lot of empty calories, but it can lead to a set of nasty hangover symptoms that can take you further off track for the next day! 

When choosing whether or not to partake in alcohol at a party, it can be good to set a limit in advance. Having a plan can help you make a conscious choice that you feel good about.

Alternatively, consider bringing along alternative, alcohol-free beverages! Not only does this support members of your family who don’t drink, but it also can help give you alternatives. Things like sparkling water, ginger beer, and kombucha are all fun offerings that still feel special. 

Do Not Skip Meals

If we had a dollar for every time we’ve seen someone skipping meals around the holidays, we could buy this year’s Thanksgiving turkey. Take it from us: it’s a bad plan.

While it can be tempting to fast before a big meal, skipping meals can actually lead to overindulgence later down the line.

Instead, focus on eating small, nutrient-dense meals before and after the holidays to help keep up your energy, and promote better digestion. 

What are your favorite Holiday treats? Share with us in the comments below!

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