Best Nutritional Additives For Your Salads

Salads are the poster child for healthy eating. But have you ever wondered how to take your green salad from so-so to a nutritional powerhouse? 

The key is to create balance. A bowl of raw veggies won’t keep you energized as you go through your day. It’s important to add healthy fats, protein, and carbs to make sure your salad is nutritious and delicious.

Not sure where to start? Here is our top list of salad add-ons that will give you the nutrition and energy to take on your day. 


When you are making a salad for a meal, adding in grains is a great way to help make it more filling. When it comes to nutritional benefits, no other grain holds a candle to quinoa.

Quinoa stands out from the crowd by being a great protein source and a carb. It is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids needed to keep your body functioning correctly. Because of this, quinoa is a great plant-based alternative to other protein sources, like meat and cheese. 

We also love adding quinoa into our salads because it is so easy to make! Unlike rice, farro, or other grains, quinoa cooks for 15 minutes on your stovetop. This makes it the perfect salad topping for a weekday lunch when you are low on time! We recommend meal prepping a large batch at the beginning of the week. 


Adding fat to your salads is one of the best ways to keep you satisfied until dinner time. You can meet your fat needs in many different ways, but adding avocado is our absolute favorite. 

Avocados are unique in the plant world due to their high-fat content. Often referred to as “healthy fat,” they are free of saturated fats that can affect your heart health.

Avocados are also rich in other nutrients, including magnesium, folate, and potassium. All of these are essential nutrients that many Americans lack in their everyday diet. 

Whether you add sliced avocado, guacamole or incorporate it into your dressing, you’ll love the creamy texture it adds to your salad. 

Nutritional Yeast

You are missing out if you’ve never heard of nutritional yeast! 

When you think of yeast, it is likely you think of the powder you add to bread doughs and baked goods to make it rise. Nutritional yeast is the same thing, except it is not activated. If you added it to your dough, it would stay flat.

Nutritional yeast is known for its delicious, cheesy flavor and is often used as a cheese substitute in vegan sauces. Aside from being generally delicious, it also packs a nutritional punch.

Nutritional yeast is rich in vitamins and minerals. Most notably, a serving contains 313% of your daily value of B12! B12 is hugely important for the overall function of our bodies. Not only does it assist in making your DNA, but it is also responsible for maintaining blood and nerve cell health. Despite this, most people are deficient in B12. 

Adding a sprinkle of nutritional yeast to your salad will help keep you healthy while adding tons of flavor. 

Hemp Seeds

Like a little crunch in your salad? Then you have to try adding hemp seeds!

These tiny seeds have a subtle, nutty flavor. They are also a great protein source, containing 9 grams of protein per serving! Additionally, they also contain healthy fats, including omega-6 and omega-3.


If you’ve never considered topping your salad with sauerkraut, we get it. After all, most of us only eat sauerkraut when it comes with a brat. The truth, though, is that sauerkraut offers a ton of nutritional benefits and can be eaten in a variety of different ways. 

Sauerkraut is just cabbage that has been fermented with a bit of salt. This fermentation process causes it to develop all sorts of probiotics that are essential for gut health. Gut health can affect your digestion, heart health, and immune system.

We are used to adding a squeeze of lemon or a splash of vinegar into our salads. A scoop of sauerkraut can add that same acidic flavor while creating a delicious crunch. 


If you like a touch of sweetness in your salad, craisins might be just what you are looking for.

Craisins are dried cranberries. They are more tart than a traditional raisin but still have a hint of sweetness. Craisins contain high amounts of Vitamin C and are rich in fiber.

However, not all craisins are created equal. When grocery shopping, be sure to purchase a brand that contains no added sugars. 

DIY Dressing

Bottled dressing can be handy in a pinch, but nothing beats the flavors of a homemade dressing. 

Bottled dressings tend to contain lots of extra sugar, sodium, and additives. Despite this, many people choose to use them due to their convenience. 

However, homemade dressing is incredibly simple to make in your kitchen. You can prep a big batch in advance to use throughout the week. Our favorite combinations?

  • Blend a clove of garlic, olive oil, salt, and vinegar. If you like it sweeter, try adding in just a bit of jam. We love the deep flavors of raspberry or fig jam.
  • Mix together tahini, salt, and maple syrup. Add water until you reach your desired consistency.
  • Use your blender to combine avocado, lemon juice, and the herbs of your choice. We recommend a combination of basil, cilantro, and chives for a summery flavor.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds – also known as pepitas – are not just for the Halloween season anymore!

Pumpkin seeds are an absolutely delicious salad topping and healthy as well. A serving of pumpkin seeds offers you 13 grams of healthy, omega-6-rich fats and 7 grams of protein. Additionally, they are an awesome source of magnesium, iron, and zinc. 


When it comes to legumes, chickpeas are one of our favorites. We love how the neutral flavor goes with almost anything. 

Packed with protein and fiber, chickpeas can be added to a salad in a variety of ways. Season and roast them in the oven for a crunchy, nut-like consistency. Alternatively, you can just drain and rinse canned chickpeas and add them straight to your salad. Be warned, though: canned chickpeas can be a bit tough. If you like your chickpeas softer, we recommend boiling them in water for a few minutes until tender. 

What are your go-to Additives for your Salads? Share with us in the comments below!

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