How To Create A Well Environment

As part of the Well Citizen community, you are already well aware that we believe in the power of holistic wellness. We talk a lot about the ways you can improve your physical and mental wellness on our blog. 

What do we talk about less frequently? The impact your environment can have on your overall wellness. 

Creating a welcoming, calming environment in your workspace and home isn’t just an aesthetic decision. It can affect your anxiety levels, your productivity, and even your sleep. Sound inspiring? That’s great, but there’s no need to run out and buy a bunch of new items. Below, we offer our favorite tips for creating an environment that supports your wellness journey.

Choose Soothing Colors

Did you know that colors can actually affect the way we feel? Research has shown that different color combinations can trigger emotional responses in the body that actually affect our behavior.

When it comes to your home, you want to create a place that promotes relaxation and peace. That’s why we recommend paying extra attention to the color palate in your home. 

In general, neutral colors like white, cream, and beige are easy to design around and create a clean, minimal atmosphere. Prefer bolder colors? Sticking to earth tones and pastels will keep your home feeling safe, while still adding interest.

Get Rid of Synthetic Fragrances

Most of us have spent at least some time thinking about how the things we bring into our home make it look. But have you ever thought about how those things make it smell?

Lots of people use candles, room freshener sprays, and cleaning products filled with synthetic fragrance without knowing the negative consequences they can have for our bodies. 

Chemicals in fragrances are often known carcinogens, or disrupt your endocrine system, which makes and regulates hormone production. Additionally, many people experience allergic reactions and sensitivities to fragrance.

Getting rid of synthetic fragrances is a great way to help ensure that the air you are breathing inside your home is clean and free of irritants. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautifully scented home. Essential oils are a great option for adding a light, non-irritating sense to your home. Alternatively, you can create your own potpourri, by simmering cinnamon, cloves, and orange or lemon peel in water on the stove. 

Implement a Cleaning Schedule

Some people are naturally more tidy than others. None of us, however, function optimally in a cluttered, messy home. 

If you find yourself becoming regularly stressed about the messes in your home, it may be a good time to implement a cleaning schedule. Cleaning schedules can be highly individualized and adapted to fit your needs. Maybe it works best for you to spend twenty minutes doing light tidying each day. Alternatively, it could be easier for you to do one deep clean a week.

Regardless of which option works best for you, you’ll quickly find that having a clean home can transform your mood and productivity. 

Create a Conscious Wardrobe

At one point or another, we’ve all stared into the depth of our closet, asking the eternal question.

“What should I wear?”

Usually, it’s due to one of two problems. Either you have too many clothes, or not enough.

If you are drowning in clothing, it’s time to go through each item in your wardrobe. Be honest with yourself if you will wear it again or not. If not, donate it.

If you find you don’t have enough clothing items, take some time to assess where the gaps in your wardrobe are. Maybe you have endless amounts of activewear, but are missing clothes to wear for a night out. Once you’ve identified what you need, it can be easy to make conscious choices when you are out shopping.

Be careful, though. The clothes you buy may not just be harming the planet, but they could be directly impacting your home. When you buy clothes made out of synthetic fabrics, they release microplastics into your water system every time you throw them into the wash. 

Purchasing from slow-fashion brands that source sustainable materials will help you have a wardrobe that contributes to the overall health of your home, no stress needed.

Add in Plants

Plants are powerful.

Not only are they gorgeous to look at, but they can create tangible mental and physical changes for you and your home. 

Plants use photosynthesis to absorb carbon dioxide and gasses. This means that they can have a purifying effect on your home, removing common household pollutants.

Additionally, taking care of plants has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, as well as increase productivity.

Change up Your Lighting

If you’ve never thought twice about the overhead lights your home came with, you are not alone. Lots of people underestimate the power of lighting. 

Strategic lighting can change the feel of a space. A brighter bulb can make a small room feel larger. However, bright bulbs and overhead lighting can also make a space hard to relax in.

Our tip: save bright lighting for your office, or other spaces where you need to be alert and focused. For spaces like living rooms, bedrooms, and family rooms stick to softer bulbs and lamps to create a relaxing mood.

While we know you won’t be giving up your workout and meal plans any time soon, making these small changes to your home environment will start you on the right foot to have a successful wellness journey. 

What are your go-to ways to create a Well Environment? Share with us in the comments below!

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