Reasons To Eat Organic

Most of us know that it is better to choose organic foods over non-organic foods, but don’t know exactly why. A trip to the grocery store is enough to keep most people buying conventionally grown food, when they see the prices. 

The truth is that the benefits of eating organic food are widespread. Not only will it help you develop a healthier body, but it goes a long way towards creating a healthier planet. 

Looking to learn more? Read on to find out exactly why eating organic food could change your life. 

What is Organic?

You’ve seen things labeled ‘organic’ your whole life, from food to body care products. Despite that, education on the subject is definitely lacking. Many people don’t truly understand what it means when a product is called organic.

When it comes to food, “organic” refers to a set of USDA standards that need to be met. For produce, this means that it was grown in soil that was free of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers for at least three years before growth. 

The list of requirements is even longer when it comes to organic meat and dairy. All products must come from animals who were allowed to graze on organic pasture, were fed organic grains, and are free of added antibiotics and hormones.

It takes a lot for farmers to earn certification from the USDA. It requires a huge break from modern farming practices that rely on pesticides and antibiotics to produce food at the rapid rate Americans demand.

Is Non-GMO The Same Thing?

GMOs are a hot topic these days and are frequently discussed in conversations regarding organic farming practices. However, they are not interchangeable terms.

GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms, refer to plants that have been genetically altered by scientists. This is done for a variety of reasons. GMO plants can be created to better withstand pests, or to get a desired texture/flavor. 

You likely consume GMOs every day without knowing it. While there is not much scientific evidence that GMOs are harmful for your health, they do present some interesting ethical problems. Companies put patents on GMO seeds, forcing farmers to have to go through them in order to plant their crops. Additionally, many of the studies on GMOs are funded by these same companies, leading to biased research. 

While Non-GMO foods and organic foods are different, all USDA certified organic food must be grown without the use of GMOs. What does that mean for you? If you are buying an organic product it is automatically free of GMOs. However, just because a product is labled “non-GMO” it is not necessarily and organic product. 

Fewer Pesticides

One of the most common reasons people decide to buy organic food is because they are free of pesticides. 

Pesticides are chemicals that farmers use to make the plants unappealing to bugs, rodents, and other pests. Unfortunately, the pesticides that are poisonous to other creatures come with some serious health consequences for humans as well. 

Most notably, pesticides are known to be linked to several types of cancer. They have also been proven to create birth defects, including stillbirth and infertility. 

In the short term, exposure to pesticides may cause skin rashes, nausea, and respiratory irritation. 

Choosing an organic option means that your food will be free of these dangerous chemicals. This can lead to an overall healthier body for you and your family. 

Better For The Environment

Organic food is naturally better for the environment. While most people assume that this is because organic farming does not use pesticides, that’s only one piece of the puzzle. 

Because organic food is free of GMOs it helps create better biodiversity in the environment. The wider variety of plants used in organic farming helps to keep soil healthy, which, in turn, creates healthier plants. 

Higher Quality

In general, when you buy organic you are getting a better quality product than when you buy conventional. 

Because organic food is free of preservatives, it is generally fresher than the conventionally grown food you find at the store. Organic food is picked at its peak and has to be consumed at its peak as well. Conventionally grown products are designed to last for a long time, and often taste like it’s been sitting for a while. 

Organic farming is a true labor of love. The farmers that commit to it are passionate about what they do and the products they sell. Once you start buying organic, you’ll notice an immediate difference in taste. 

More Nutritious

Eating organic doesn’t just taste better. It’s better for you, too!

Studies have shown that organic food is more nutrient dense than its conventionally grown counterparts. Produce contains more essential vitamins and nutrients, while meat and dairy products have a greater quantity of omega-3s. 

The research is clear. Supporting organic farming is the way to protect you, the planet, and small farmers. Don’t just take our word for it, though. One taste, and we think you’ll be totally converted. 

How has eating organic changed your life? Share in the comments below!

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